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New River Archery Club West Jefferson Outdoor 3D Results
Feb 29/Mar 1, 2020
25 Targets

Open Money | Open Trophy | Seniors | Traditional
Known 50 | Men's Known 40 | Cubs


Open Money             Score
1. Greg Howell          236
2. Travis Stewart       234

Open Trophy
1. Travis Stewart       251

1. Clarence Roten       245
2. Johnny Viers         237
3. Dean Nixon           235

1. Allen Lewis          213
2. Dalton Lewis         210
3. Dale Wade            205

Known 50
1. Frank Lossiah        264
2. Kaleb Weikle         214

Men's Known 40
1. Doug Calhoun         265
2. Matt Church          263
3. Richard Blevins      240
4. Chuck Church         239
5. Billy Weikle         191
6. Jim Tester           190
7. Otis Watson          INC

1. Cole Weikle          168

Thanks to all who came out and braved the
cold and wind! Look forward to seeing
everyone again at our next shoot at the
end of March.

– Richard, Travis, and Greg.

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