Bear Creek Outdoor 3D Results
2008 Tri-Cities Championship Shoot
August 16/17, 2008
30 Targets
Open Trophy |
Hunter |
Unlimited |
Traditional |
Womens Hunter |
Youth |
Cubs |
2008 Final Standings
Open Trophy Score 1. Matt Millard 315 2. Lonnie Harding 297 3. Chris Mullins 295 4. Scott Johnson 285 5. Stacy Newton 279 6. Danny McClaskey Inc. Hunter 1. James Cardwell 320 2. Travis Bentley 298 3. Brain Owens 297 4. Mike Vicars 286 5. Wes Stanley 285 6. Jay Dicks 268 7. Larry Adams 265 8. Brandon Pope 263 9. Donald Perry 257 10. Lincoln Osborne 257 11. Herbie Masters 246 12. Bob Tipton 239 13. Gary Lewis 238 14. Jack McNutt 232 15. Billy Joe Osborne 215 Unlimited 1. Kenneth Davis 285 Seniors 1. Douglas Hatley 257 Traditional 1. Jim Fields 258 2. Jack Rhudy 234 3. T.P. Sells 184 Womens Hunter 1. Nickie Bentley 279 2. Shell Mullins 251 3. Nicki Gillenwater 221 4. Khristina Cardwell 193 Youth 1. Scott Boyd 254 2. Lacie Willis 226 Cubs 1. Shelby Harding 291 2. Madison Ford 269 3. Laura Cardwell 232 Pee-Wee 1. Travis Lane Bentley 330 2. William Tipton 253 3. Hunter McClaskey 225 4. Abbie Bentley 196 We also had 15 practice shooters. Thanks to all those that joined us this year at Bearcreek and congratulations to all the winners. We'll have our 3rd Annual Hunter's Challenge on September 13th and 14th and that will wrap up another great season for us. Come join us that weekend and use it as an opportunity to tune up with your hunting bow and get ready for season. Thanks, Bearcreek Bowmen
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