Down Time Outdoor 3D Results
May 2, 2009
25 Targets
OPEN Score 1. Jimmy Pratt 252 2. Johnny Souders 232 3. Toby Bates 227 4. John Lawson 215 5. Darrell Beeler 205 HUNTER 1. Mark Woolard 254 2. Tony Harrell 237 3. Randall Jones 225 4. Chuck Hillard 219 5. Randy Mcdaniel 215 6. Keith Brooks 183 7. Joel Thompson 122 PRACTICE Doc Walker Bobby Chester Jesse Holden 220 DOOR PRIZE'S WINNERS Randall Jones Camo cooler Johnny Souders Folding knife Mark Woolard Camo fanny pack Toby Bates 2 pairs thick hunting socks and 20 ft. lift cord
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