ShootArchery.com provides 3 Free services to Archery Clubs
1. We will post your tournament schedule
2. We will post your contact info and the driving directions to your club
3. We will post the link where your shooters can see their results.
We do this free of charge, but we do have some minimal requirements.
1. The Club has to commit to posting their results on the internet.
The club must provide the URL of their web-site or facebook page
where their shooters can view their results.
2. We ask that all participating clubs tell their shooters that the schedule will be on ShootArchery.com
We ask that all our Participating Clubs create a poster or make some kind of
sign board, that says the Schedule will be posted on ShootArchery.com
We ask that you post this sign where all your shooters can see.
3. Participating Clubs must submit an email address to be posted in their Contact/Info block
4. Participating Clubs must update us with any schedule changes as they occur.
If you can agree to our minimal requirements, you may email us with the following information
We will need your clubs:
Clubs Official Name
Address of the Club if available, (some Clubs won't have a physical address)
Google Maps Pin
Driving Directions, in the way you want them to appear on the site,
Contact info, (names, phone numbers, email addresses)
Tournament Schedule
The link to your club's facebook page or Web-site where the public may view the results
email to: deck@odproshops.com
You can also follow ShootArchery.com on facebook
Thanks for inquiring....
Deck Miller
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