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Mountain Empire Championship Leg Results
May 6/7, Jun 17/18, Aug 19/20 2006
90 Targets

Men's Open | Men's Unlimited | Men's Limited
Seniors | Open Trophy | Young Adult

Men's Open	    Total Score
1. Jerry Cambell	915
2. Jimmy Peak           891
3. Allen Blevins        857
4. Craig Easter         836
5. Ronnie Rodrique      565

Men's Unlimited
1. Kevin kilby		856

Men's Limited
1. Harry Osbourne	452

1. Sid Lett		970
2. Clarence Roten       936
3. Roger Roten          898
4. Lynwood Payne        864

Open Trophy
1. Teddy Dickerson	900
2. Darin Dishman        824
3. Tom Osbourne         756

Young Adult
1. Eric Floyd		804

We would like to thank everyone who participated in this years
championship leg.

Mountain Empire Circuit

Note from ShootArchery.com
We would like to congratulate all the Mountain Empire Circuit Champions!!!

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