Outback Archery Range Outdoor 3D Results
Bowhunters Challenge 2009
September 26/27, 2009
30 Targets
Bowhunter |
Cubs |
Prize Winners |
Long Distance
Sponsoring Businesses
Scores not kept. We determined all winners by random drawings of score cards. Participates in no particular order. Winners listed below participates list. Bowhunter 1. Henry Holt 2. Perry Vest 3. Lane Stewart 4. James Hodge 5. Ronnie Hodge 6. Nathan Thompson 7. Scott Mason 8. Doug Rozzel 9. Jarrod Sizemore 10. Aaron Sayers 11. Josh Delide 12. Butch Coleman 13. Kenneth Mullins 14. Larry Clark 15. Shawn Reed 16. Eric Gray 17. Samantha Gray 18. Kevin White 19. Harold Waldron 20. Dwayne Moore 21. Aaron Boothe 22. Rusty Simpson 23. James Hicks 24. Phillip Barker 25. Rick Thornsberry 26. David Rash 27. Matt Roman 28. Shane Dyson 29. Kevin McMillion 30. P-Tom 31. Melinda McMillion 32. Austin White 33. Frankie Grose Jr. 34. Bud Whittaker 35. Austin Whittaker 36. John Jennings 37. Mike King 38. Bobby King 39. Jim Sangid 40. Kenny Kincaid 41. Andrew Kincaid 42. Dennis Lilly 43. Mark Carrico 44. Jennifer Johnson 45. Bobby Berry 46. Jason Neal Jr. 47. Cody Neal 48. Mark Taylor 49. Chris Sharitz 50. Frank Tiller 51. Ricky Lester 52. James Gouge 53. Jason Stiltner 54. Terry Stiltner 55. John Stiltner Cubs 56. Remington Dyson 57. Justin King 58. Hannah Lilly 59. Casey Cook 60. Hunter Kade Prize Winners 1. Remington Dyson Parker Sidekick Youth Bow 2. Hunter Kade Scott Little Goose Youth release 3. Casey Cook Tru Ball Stinger Youth release 4. Hannah Lilly Victory V-Force Jr Arrows 5. Justin King Victory V-Force Jr Arrows 6. Dennis Lilly Hog Hunt at Mountain Meadows 7. Garrett Jennings QAD Drop Away arrow rest 8. Norman Stewart Millers ATV Gift certificate 9. Phillip Barker B&G Gift Certificate 10. Frankie Grose Jr. Bow Case 11. Bobby King Viper Sights 12. Mike King Primos Saw 13. Bud Whittaker Trail Camera 14. Jason Stiltner Pro Pod bow holder 15. Bobby Berry G5 Striker Broadheads 16. Samantha Gray Release Bag 17. Frank Tiller Bohning Quiver 18. Lane Stewart Rage Broadheads 19. David Rash Feeder 20. Cody Neal Scent Away Elimination Kit 21. Mark Taylor B&G Gift Certificate 22. Melinda McMillion Millers ATV gift certificate 23. Jennifer Johnson EZ Hanger 24. Dwayne Moore Backpack 25. Andrew Kincaid Pro Pod bow holder 26. Jarrod Sizemore Sportsmans Pride Taxidermery Gift Certificate 27. Matt Roman Alpine Soft Loc Quiver 28. Scott Mason G5 Striker Broadheads 29. Aaron Sayers Morrell Bone Collector Bag Target 30. Chris Sharitz Scott Mongoose Release 31. Mark Carrico Morrell Broadhead Target 32. Terry Stiltner Muzzy Broadheads 33. Shane Dyson Vapor Arrows 34. Jason Neal Jr. Trail Camera 35. James Hicks Shooting Chair 36. Kevin Stewart EZ Hanger Long Distance Frank Tiller new treestand Team Shoot David Rash and Larry Clark Once again the weather got us. Saturday was a washout but Sunday was a great day to shoot. Everyone seemed to like the new range, however I still feel that it needs a lot of work to make it better. I want to thank everyone that came out to shoot and helped support the range. It has been a lot of work to get the new location up and running. When we drew Remington Dyson's name for the new bow the look on his face was priceless. That moment made all the hard work and preparation worth every second. I hope to see everyone next year. Archery is a great sport, try to bring a friend if you can, especially a kid. I want to thank the local businesses that helped make this shoot possible. Without them I couldn't have made this shoot possible. If you can go visit their business locations I would appreciate it. Sponsoring Businesses B&G Pro Shop 304-589-7432 T&S Contracting 304-425-3161 JBC Archery 304-763-3109 Spot On Bowstrings 304-920-4433 Mountain Heritage Archery (coming soon to Athens Road in Princeton, WV) Sportsmans Pride Taxidermy 304-589-3671 Millers ATV 304-589-5277 Mountain Meadows 304-832-6635 Tru Ball Morrell Victory Arrows Thanks and see you next year. Now it is time to become a tree hugger and get in a stand. Shoot Straight >>>-------> Larry
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