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Union Grove
26th Annual Bow Hunters Jamboree 3D Results
June 23/24/25, 2006
40 Targets
793 Shooters


UNLIMITED                      Score A Score D  Total    12's
Flight A
1. Elwin Dillion                192     200     392     12
2. Gene Moore                   198     192     390      8
3. Kevin R Kilby                192     191     383      8
4. Jeff Stevers                 204     175     379     10
5. Donny Johnson                185     190     375      8
6. Tony J Blevins               189     185     374      7
7. David Chumley                182     173     355      9
8. Jamie Meade                  178     173     351      7
9. Rodney Roberts               169     180     349      9
10. Wade Lockner                161     175     336      7
11. Steve Morris                173     159     332      3
12. Alan  Lambert               163     163     326      4
13. Chad Riogley                161     164     325      6
14. Chriss Anderson             159     148     307      5

Total Shooters:                                  14
Shooters Scored:                                 14
Average Score:                  179     179     355      7
Overall High:                   204     200     392     12
Overall Low:                    159     148     307      3

OUTLAW                         Score A Score D  Total    12's
1. Jim Willard                  206     210     416     15
2. Dave Tetrick                 210     204     414     14
3. Mark Thompson                202     210     412     14
4. Jerry Whittington            203     208     411     14
5. Bob Morgan                   194     184     378     10
6. Jimmy Peak                   192     186     378      8
7. Carlos Triplett              191     184     373      7
8. Tony Stockner                192     181     373      7
9. John Honeycutt               174     185     359      8
10. Allan Neal                  186     171     357      6
11. Zack Cooper                 170     178     348      5
12. C. Blake Fenner             176     171     374      5
13. Mike Fener                  180     167     347      4
14. Ronnie Rodrigue             183     162     345      3
15. Timothy Slayer              164     177     341     14
16. Daniel Peck                 145     190     335      6
17. Jeremy Foy                  162     171     333      6
18. Don R. Epling               149     164     313      3
19. Jonathan O Brown            156     155     311      2
20. Caleb Cooper                142     167     309      3
21. Robert Waggoner             142     151     293      1
22. Kevin Smith                 156     136     292      3
23. Tim Webster                 155     114     269      2
24. Chris Helms                 142     111     253      2
25. Paul Teague                 013     107     237      2
26. Matt Ham                     86     126     212      1
27. Dusty Nutter                INC     174     175      4

Total Shooters:                                  27
Shooters Scored:                                 27
Average Scores:                 163     168
Overall High:                   210     210
Overall Low:                    0       107

MEN'S LIMITED                  Score A Score D Total   12's
1. Mike Figgins                 188     175     363      6
2. Harry Osborne                181     168     349      8
3. Nathan Smith                 169     155     324      3
4. Ronnie Beal                  143     139     282      3

Total Shooters:                                   4
Shooters Scored:                                  4
Average Scores:                 170     148     318      6
Overall High:                   188     175     363      8
Overall Low:                    143     108     277      3

LADIES TROPHY                  Score A Score D Total   12's
1. Patty Johnson                178     191     369      4
2. Tammy Carter                 174     172     346      5
3. Angela Nester                185     160     345      6
4. Michelle Hoots               169     171     340      5
5. Teresa Barnett               175     159     334      5
6. Leslie Hayes                 178     152     330      6
7. Cynthia Abell                165     163     328      2
8. Renita Creekmore             170     148     318      6
9. Sheila Beckman               171     144     315      5
10. Tena Sharpe                 148     152     300      1
11. Jennifer Walker             141     154     295      2
12. Jamie Sowares               141     154     295      1
13. Velma Shatley               168     126     294      3
14. Beth Helms                  106     139     245      3
15. Lisa W Layton               121     123     244      2
16. Carolyn Woolwine            113     117     230      2
17. Tamera Rutter               115     112     227      1
18. Jamie Foy                    98      87     185      1
19. Angela Guillory             inc     183     184      4

Total Shooters:                                  19
Shooters Scored:                                 19
Average Scores:                 143     148     291      3
Overall High:                   185     191     369      6
Overall Low:                      0      87     184      1

YOUNG ADULT                    Score A Score D Total   12's
1. Brandon Triplett             216     214     430     19
2. Josh Longworth               198     189     387      8
3. Jordan M Holcomb             191     193     384      9
4. Mark Willett                 190     193     383     11
5. Jacob Neal                   193     189     382      9
6. Landon Brawley               188     192     380      8
7. Eric Floyd                   193     185     378      9
8. Daniel Hill                  179     190     369      6
9. Dustin Jayness               202     163     365      9
10. Eathan Eddleman             185     168     353      7
11. Nathan McDonal              162     191     353      6
12. Darren Todd                 175     174     349      4
13. Colin Eads                  173     173     346      5
14. Cody Bryant                 181     161     342      4
15. Isaac Spillman              160     180     340      2
16. Garrett Wishon              167     172     339      8
17. Josh Bradshaw               180     157     337      4
18. Jordan Collins              165     166     331      6
19. Morgan Parks                157     170     327      3
20. Bronson Alexander           183     140     323      4
21. Nicholas Doub               145     174     319      2
22. Chris Loudermilk            153     161     314      5
23. Martin McVey                158     148     306      4
24. Caleb Barker                150     153     303      7
25. Travis Campbell             131     171     302      3
26. Jordan Holcomb              145     154     299      2
27. Daniel Wallace              146     149     295      2

28. Cody Halstead               162     131     293      3
29. Justin Phipps               134     157     291      3
30. Stephen Brown               157     133     290      3
31. Paul Teague                 146     144     290      3
31. Christian Rodrigue          145     143     288      5
33. Hannah Joyce                140     145     285      4
34. Billy Janos                 123     159     282      4
35. Travis Sloan                150     130     280      4
36. Nicholas Davis              150     130     280      2
37. Travis  Vanhoy              140     137     277      2
38. Jeff Watt                   148     125     273      1
39. Ryan Andrews                153     115     268      2
40. Tyler Testerman             146     118     264      3
41. Caleb Reavis                143     110     253      3
42. Brittany York               125     126     251      0
43. Tyler Reece                 118     133     251      0
44. Nathaniel Mosteller         110     131     241      1
45. Kurstie Galliher            111      90     201      3
46. Andrew Byrd                  81      93     174      0
47. Ethan Pendry                 90      82     172      1
48. Caitlin Conner               66      98     164      0
49. Nicholas Kiter               72      91     163      0
50. Adam Ralston                INC     158     158      0
51. Nolan Willett               INC     125     125      0
52. Josh Parson                  30      89     119      0
53. Dustin Haley                 53      59     112      0
54. Elliot J Davis               43      44      87      0

Total Shooters:                                  54
Shooters Scored:                                 54
Average Scores:                 141     143     284      4
Overall High:                   216     214     430     19
Overall Low:                      0      44      87      1

YOUTH                        Score A Score D Total   12's
1. Zachery Salyer               200     222     422     15
2. Brandon Merritt              201     204     405     13
3. Alston Harris                190     196     386      8
4. Matthew Crutcher             177     201     378     14
5. Byron Burrell                196     182     378      7
6. Dylan Hampton                174     200     374     10
7. Bradley Johnson              178     196     374      5
8. Justin Hudspeth              182     189     371      6
9. Ben Caddell                  190     179     369      7
10. Tyler Renner                172     170     342      6
11. Dylan Lineberger            159     182     341      4
12. Mimi Caddell                164     157     321      5
13. Tyler Segraves              156     153     309      4
14. Tyler Hughis                146     161     307      3
15. Nicholas Willard            159     137     296      3
16. Amanda Greene               136     152     288      2
17. Kayla Stevens               116     148     264      2
18. Candance Fulbright          131     112     243      1
19. Hunter Helms                116     120     236      1
20. Jessica Mabe                 79     106     185      0
21. Cody O'Mara                  80      97     177      1
22. Timothy Wilson              135     INC     135      1

Toltal Shooters:                                 22
Shooters Scored:                                 22
Average Scores:                 156     157     314      5
Overall High:                   201     222     422     15
Overall Low:                     79       0     135      1

CUBS                          Score A Score D Total   12's
1. Noah Pauley                  204     195     399     12
2. Brandon Bryant               167     175     342      5
3. Katie Roberts                154     186     340      4
4. Nick McDonald                172     163     335      3
5. Michael Taylor               146     177     323      3
6. Ethan Walker                 163     159     322      2
7. Steven Myers                 158     152     310      3
8. Colton Fenner                155     142     297      5
9. Shawn Sharpe                 156     130     286      3
10. Trae Withers                144     141     285      4
11. Dillon Wood                 140     139     279      2
12. Hannah Hoots                122     132     254      0
13. Crissy Brown                131     103     234      1
14. Rebecca Black                81     150     231      0
15. Ryan Fulbright              137      89     226      0
16. Joseph Black                114     104     218      2
17. Isaac McCulloh                1     175     176      1
18. Zachary Hutcherson          151     INC     151      3
19. Cody Carpenter              113     INC     113      0
20. Ras Walker                  40       20      60      0
21. Sydney Lineberger           20       35      55      0
22. Cole Bentley                 0        0       0      0

Total Shooters:                                  22
Shooters Scored:                                 21
Average Scores:                 127     122     249      3
Overall High:                   204     195     399     12
Overall Low:                      1      20      55      0

OPEN TROPHY                    Score A Score D Total   12's
1. James Ash                    209     220     429     21
2. David Pauley                 216     210     426     17
3. Kenneth Davis                212     212     424     16
4. Ricky Pennell                208     214     422     17
5. Derek M Nester               210     212     422     16
6. Brian Hampton                205     216     421     18
7. Lee Ivey                     202     218     420     19
8. Chris Ramrattan              210     206     416     14
9. Burtt Daniels                204     210     414     17
10. Jeff Hartness               208     206     414     14
11. Johnny Pruitte              212     196     408     14
12. Leonard Hayes               208     200     408     12
13. Vic Ziliana                 206     199     405     15
14. Steve Sharpe                206     199     405      6
15. Lee Hoots                   202     202     404     11
16. Jack R Elliott              206     198     404      9
17. Darrell Crutcher            194     208     402     12
18. Bradley Bond                193     208     401      9
19. Roger Adams                 198     202     400     14
20. Greg Wise                   204     196     400     12
21. Steve Mabe                  196     204     400     11
22. Aaron D McCoy               195     203     398      9
23. Chuck Dodson                194     204     398      6
24. Jason Sturgill              200     196     396     10
25. Craig Deel                  206     189     395     12
26. Steve Isaacs                194     201     395     12
27. James Bryant                197     197     394     12
28. Larry Kennedy               198     195     393     13
29. Roger Bradley               197     196     393     10
30. Nathan Eddleman             192     200     392     15
31. Timothy Merritt             188     203     391     11
32. Tim G Greene                207     184     391     10
33. Jerome Creekmore            202     189     391      8
34. Robby Moore                 209     181     390      9
35. Wayne Evans                 202     188     390      8
36. James M Johnson             198     190     388     11
37. Josh Goulds                 188     198     386     11
38. David Triplett              208     178     386     10
39. Ike McBee                   192     194     386      9
40. Michael Q Shore             200     185     385      9
41. Russell Freeman             192     193     385      8
42. Dennis L Jones              198     186     384      6
43. Carson Jones                204     178     382     11
44. Butch Coleman               199     182     381     12
45. Monte Jessee                183     198     381      9
46. Don Pertee                  194     187     381      8
47. Mark Lineberry              189     191     380     12
48. Eric Hester                 186     193     379      7
49. Jason Clayton               196     183     379      6
50. Josh Sheets                 196     182     378      7
51. Rodney Coates               190     187     377      8
52. Travis Lyons                199     176     375     11
53. Jeff Warf                   187     188     375      6
54. Charles Ashe                180     195     375      6
55. Josh Gibson                 191     183     374      8
56. Jason  Elmore               189     185     374      6
57. Don White                   191     181     372      7
58. Shannon Greene              186     186     372      4
59. Perry Carrier               184     185     369      5
60. Kevin Carpenter             176     192     368      8

61. James R Roten               184     184     368      5
62. Frank J Farley Jr           172     195     367      8
63. Tony Hinson                 182     185     367      6
64. Andy Sipes                  184     182     366      7
65. Douglas Hatley              183     183     366      7
66. Mike Johnson                190     176     366      5
67. Jason H Coleman             187     178     365      8
68. Randy Ayers                 173     192     365      7
69. James Rice                  191     172     363      7
70. Terry Sowares               185     178     363      7
71. Chris Kanous                175     188     363      7
72. Guy Hutcherson              192     170     363      6
73. Stephen Spencer             181     182     363      6
74. Gregory J Eldred            173     190     363      6
75. Justin Elmore               168     195     363      6
76. William Hagerman            191     171     362      5
77. Doug D Burks                163     198     361     11
78. Randy Cannon                194     167     361      9
79. Victor Farthing             188     173     361      9
80. Larry Davis                 191     169     360      6
81. Jeff Sigmon                 187     173     360      5
82. Howard Wood                 185     174     359      8
83. Luke Eddleman               182     176     358      7
84. Scott Woody                 177     180     357      9
85. Marty Roberts               189     168     357      4
86. Frank Carter                187     170     357      4
87. Samuel Pearson              187     169     356      5
88. Brad Lineberger             185     170     355      4
89. Jason Woolwine              172     182     354      7
90. Alan Dula                   175     179     354      5
91. Joe Nale                    161     192     353      7
92. Clarence E Roten            180     171     351      4
93. Steven Clark                170     181     351      4
94. Dana Shatley                177     173     350      6
95. Rick Parks                  174     174     348     11
96. Neil Townsend               171     176     347      6
97. Roger Burrell               165     182     347      6
98. Danny R Stevens             181     166     347      4
99. Jimmy R Myers               181     166     347      4
100. John R Campbell            170     176     346      5
101. Robert Morgan              169     177     346      5
102. Alan Brannock              179     167     346      4
103. Todd Mitchell              179     167     346      3
104. Jake Troutman              174     171     345      5
105. Daniel hosler              186     158     344      4
106. Brian Bond                 164     179     343      3
107. Chuck Holbrook             186     156     342      3
108. John McDaniel              169     171     340      7
109. Danny Faircloth            172     168     340      6
110. Justin Brooks              163     177     340      6
111. Eddie Black                162     178     340      5
112. Dennis Stout               177     162     339      5
113. Robert Thompson            171     168     339      5
114. Barry Wolfe                194     142     336      6
115. Bill Townsend              170     166     336      5
116. Jonathan Eddgers           166     170     336      5
117. Burly Sowares              167     168     335      5
118. Jason Harris               175     159     334      5
119. Robert Osborne             162     171     333      4

120. Randy S Layton             175     158     333      3
121. Ronnie L Hayes             188     144     322      1
122. Mason K Campbell           151     180     331      7
123. Clint Vanhoy               159     172     331      6
124. Joey Daniel                167     164     331      3
125. Hubert Goulds              166     165     331      3
126. Kim R Smith                166     165     331      1
127. Michael E Eldred           164     166     330      4
128. Rick Guill                 166     164     330      1
129. Otis Watson                159     170     329      5
130. Timmy Stevens              166     161     327      7
131. A.V. Cockerham             177     150     327      5
132. John Pendergrass           193     134     327      4
133. Chris Cannon               147     179     326      3
134. Clarence Ramey             179     144     323      6
135. Russell Emery              165     154     319      4
136. Darell Woodward            172     145     317      2
137. Mark Mitchell              161     155     316      9
138. Cliff Collins              160     155     315      4
139. Nick Jones                 149     164     313      4
140. Levi Watson                153     159     312      3
141. Danny Adams                171     140     311      3
142. Dennis Eckard              172     138     310      6
143. Zach Stockner              153     157     310      5
144. Bobby Byerly               163     143     306      5
145. Rodger Garrett             176     130     306      2
146. Richard Barnett            151     151     302      1
147. James Hansen               161     140     301      1
148. Morris Caddell             140     160     300      4
149. Virgil Roberts             149     147     296      5
150. Tracy Segraves             138     158     296      1
151. Jeff Fulbright             155     138     293      1
152. Junior Cox                 155     136     291      3
153. J.D. Brooks                138     153     291      2
154. Jamin Rector               135     148     283      3
155. Matt Hughes                154     128     282      2
156. Justin Collins             137     139     276      4
157. Mike Keller                156     120     276      3
158. Michael R Black            131     145     276      1
159. Sam Hughes                 137     139     276      0
160. Reid Cooper                127     143     270      1
161. Richard Adams              142     123     265      1
162. Brandon Shatley            129     132     261      2
163. Darren Rector              115     140     255      2
164. Chris Warf                 123     124     247      3
165. Adam Cannon                133     111     244      3
166. Joseph Greer               119     125     244      0
167. Brian Miller               116     126     242      1
168. Tim Parsons                133     106     239      3
169. Gilbert Pennell            120     116     236      1
170. Ricky Mitchell             112     105     217      2
171. Jamie Bowers               102     112     214      1
172. Dale Walker                 99     108     207      2
173. Dan Johnson                198     INC     198      4
174. Travis Penny               INC     193     193      6
175. Cody Smithey                83     105     188      1
176. Kem Lawing                 INC     INC
177. Robert Spillman            INC     INC
178. Buddy McDonald             INC     INC

Total Shooters:                                 178
Shooters Scored:                                175
Average Scores:                 175     171     346      7
Overall High:                   216     220     429     21
Overall Low:                    83      105     188      1

OPEN                          Score B Score C Total   12's
1. Tony Ooten                   216     214     430     18
2. Richard Leftwich             212     214     426     15
3. Mckinsey Taylor              216     207     423     17
4. Dave Tetrick                 202     218     420     18
5. Jackie Ray Noris Jr          203     212     415     13
6. Loren Robinson               207     206     413     14
7. Nathan Winters               212     200     412     16
8. Sammy Shaver                 204     207     411     17
9. Brandon Triplett             206     204     410     13
10. Jerry Whittington           210     200     410     12
11. Ricky O Wilson              209     200     409     15
12. Jamie Corum                 208     200     408     15
13. Tood Cool                   200     205     402     10
14. George Hodges               198     204     402     10
15. Mike Barber                 196     205     401     13
16. Chris Ellis                 208     190     398     13
17. Steve A Wilson              200     198     398     13
18. Donnie Meadows              206     191     397     12
19. Mark Tompson                200     197     397     11
20. Daniel Simpson              208     189     397     10
21. Brian Hampton               197     194     391      8
22. David Pauley                205     185     390     13
23. Chris Kolcun                200     188     388     12
24. Tommy Staton                198     188     386      8
25. Allen Blevins               180     203     383     13
26. Daniel Peck                 199     184     383     10
27. Robert Brookman             189     194     383     10
28. Mike Pedigo                 202     181     383      7
29. Chris Shelton               198     184     382      7
30. Ronnie Rodrigue             194     187     381     12
31. Jerry Dubree                192     189     318     12
32. Eddie Jackson               190     191     381      6
33. Randy Gilbert               181     200     381      6
34. Brent Brogden               182     198     380      9
35. Ricky Morris                198     182     380      8
36. Charlie Vipperman           196     184     380      6
37. Todd Leonard                192     187     379      9
38. Johnathon Harrison          186     191     377      7
39. Gregg Johnson               185     191     376     10
40. Aaron D McCoy               185     191     376      7
41. Greg Meadows                189     186     375     10

42. Craig Easter                198     177     375      6
43. Bo Dunsmore                 191     184     375      6
44. Sean Powell                 201     171     372      7
45. Jacob Neal                  186     185     371      5
46. Jim Addis                   196     174     370      8
47. Walter Evans                191     179     370      8
48. Allan Neal                  182     187     369      6
49. Timothy Salyer              193     175     368      9
50. Donnly Johnson              189     177     366      6
51. Derik Hartsoe               194     171     365     13
52. Brian Hartley               183     182     365      6
53. Jeff Sigmon                 200     163     363      6
54. Hank Scott                  194     167     361      8
55. Chris Jackson               190     171     361      8
56. B.J. Evans                  184     176     360     11
57. Tim Holloway                188     171     359      5
58. Jeff Hartness               175     177     352      5
59. Matt Roman                  165     187     352      5
60. Michael Yates               190     162     352      4
61. Bradley Bond                185     165     350      9
63. Johnny Kay                  175     174     349      6
64. Johnathon Pritchard         175     173     348      6
65. Zachery Salyer              164     183     347      6
66. Michael Mumpower            160     179     339      3
67. Dean Lawter                 176     162     338      8
68. Michael S Teague            162     175     337      5
69. Jeremy Foy                  148     187     335      8
69. Derek Quinto                189     145     334     11
70. Tim Webster                 156     176     332      3
71. Sony Hodges                 175     156     331      6
72. Wade Boynton                172     159     331      5
73. Garrett Clark               172     156     328      7
74. Joe Rozmus                  156     165     321      4
75. Brian Bond                  155     157     312      4
76. Ronals C Oakes              165     139     304      0
77. Chad Riogley                150     141     291      3
78. Larry S Pennington          147     144     291      3
79. McGettey Greer              161     122     283      4
80. Chris Helms                 145     121     266      4
81. Ryan Buchanan                 0     194     194      2
82. Tony Stockner                 0     182     182      2
83. Josh Amick                    0       0       0      0
84. SHOOTER # 1105                0       0       0      0

Total Shooters:                                  84
Shooters Scored:                                 83
Average Scores:                 179     177     356      8
Overall High:                   216     218     430     18
Overall Low:                    145     121     182      0

SENIORS                            Score B Score C Total   12's
1. Larry Kennedy                220     208     428     17
2. Burtt Daniels                210     214     424     18
3. James M Johnson              212     208     420     16
4. David Miller                 211     208     419     16
5. Frank Price                  209     205     414     17
6. Oris Hall                    204     205     409     14
7. Mike Dudley                  196     212     408     14
8. Whitey Minton                210     196     406     13
9. Danny Brooks                 212     194     406     12
10. Larry Hall                  204     202     406     10
11. Kem Lawing                  202     202     404     14
12. Kenny Lilly                 195     208     403     10
13. Tim Mays                    193     210     403     10
14. Jerry J Willis              204     194     398     10
15. Ronald L Crawford           194     200     394     13
16. Charles Young               195     197     392      9
17. Butch Hall                  193     198     391     11
18. Donald D Pullis             200     189     389     12
19. Johnny Woodruff             183     200     383      8
20. Joe L Allen                 192     190     382     10
21. John W Honeycutt            180     202     382      9
22. Roger Adams                 188     194     382      8

23. Roger Richardson            196     185     381      8
24. Roger Garr                  194     186     380     12
25. Tony Adams                  193     184     377     10
26. Terry Nelson                188     189     377     10
26. John McDaniel               190     186     376     10
28. Lloyd Moretz                185     190     375      6
29. Randall Davis               194     180     374      7
30. Lynwood Payne               192     181     373     12
31. Nick Dalley                 187     185     372     10
32. A.V. Cockerham              185     184     369      6
33. Steve Morris                186     183     369      3
34. Bill McWhorter              190     177     367     11
35. Darell Woodward             185     177     362      8
36. Everett Severt              177     185     362      6
37. Manuel Jimenez              174     186     360      8
38. Eddie H Dancy               178     182     360      6
39. Johnny Morris               173     185     358      6
40. Jim Purser                  171     187     358      6
41. Rick Parks                  168     183     351      5
42. John Drum                   184     166     350      6
43. James Hansen                165     183     348      4
44. Wade Swaim                  174     173     347      2

45. Dammy Smith                 166     162     328      1
46. Jack Hossey                 155     170     325      4
47. Glenn A Halter              151     172     323      4
48. Roger Burrell               152     169     321      1
49. Tommy Kimball               168     150     318      4
50. Kermit McCoury              166     150     316      5
51. Wayne Beard                 142     169     311      3
52. Floyd White                 176     132     308      3
53. Michael Winn                131     177     308      2
54. Ken Culpepper               141     154     295      5
55. Kurt Von Besser             144     150     294      1
56. Jerry Peterson              159     129     288      3
57. Micheal T Jordan            151     137     288      1
58. Gene Canter                 141     131     272      1
59. Debra Peterson              140     112     252      4
60. Tommy Yale                  115     106     221      1
61. Carlos Triplett             214     INC     215     10
62. David Hall                  187     INC     187      3
63. Rae McClain                 110      68     178      0
64. Arthur Jenkins              INC      89      89      0
65. Jim Jordan                  INC     INC     INC     INC
66. Eddie Jones                 INC     INC     INC     INC

Total Shooters:                                  66
Shooters Scored:                                 66
Average Scores:                 172     165     337      7
Overall High:                   220     214     428     18
Overall Low:                      0       0       0      0

MEN'S BAREBOW                Score B Score C Total   12's
1. Sherrill G Burchette         136     133     269      1
2. Bobby Felts                  131     102     233      2

Total Shooters:                                   2
Shooters Scored:                                  2
Average Scores:                 134     118     251      2
Overall High:                   136     133     269      2
Overall Low:                    131     102     233      1

HUNTER                              Score B Score C Total   12's
1. Wayne Hall                   200     218     418     17
2. Rick Benfield                202     216     418     14
3. Wesley Lail                  205     210     415     16
4. Travis Purser                190     220     410     15
5. John G Goad                  198     210     408     16
6. Teddy Dickerson              212     196     408     13
7. Eric Hester                  200     208     408     11
8. Zach Stewart                 202     204     406     11
9. Roger Bradley Jr             200     203     403     12
10. Joe Quinto                  212     191     403     10
11. Vic Ziliana                 210     192     402     17
12. Doug D Burks                187     212     399     13
13. Howard Tevepaugh            204     194     398     15
14. Travis L Treadway           199     199     398     13
15. Joey Carpenter              190     206     396     15
16. Steve Mabe                  196     199     395      9
17. Leonard Hayes               207     188     395      5
18. Phillip White               200     194     394     12
19. Jack R Eliott               195     199     394     10
20. Mark D Harris               195     197     392     11
21. Randy Mahaffey              196     195     391     10
22. Benny Hester                178     212     390     10
23. Brandon Davis               194     195     389     10
24. Josh Sheets                 199     190     389      8
25. Rick Icenhour               192     196     388     11
26. Bruce Barker                194     194     388     10
27. Kenneth Bailey              195     192     387     11
28. Eric Thacker                204     182     386     12
29. Dean Smith                  196     188     384     11
30. Jason Yates                 192     192     384     11
31. Rex Dixon                   186     198     384     10
32. Jimmy Luther                201     182     383     12
33. Greg Shank                  191     192     383      8
34. David Triplett              193     190     383      5
35. Derek Millsaps              184     196     380      8
36. Matt Keyser                 186     194     380      5
37. Timothy Bradley             193     185     378      9
38. Freddy Ashley               192     186     378      9
39. Dean Nixon                  188     190     378      8
40. Ricky Hiatt                 204     173     377     13
41. Dennis L Jones              195     181     376      9
42. Tony Hinson                 190     185     375     10
43. Josh Golds                  200     175     375      7
44. Greg Millsaps               191     183     374      9
45. Greg Wise                   168     206     374      9
46. Shannon Greene              191     183     374      6
47. Rickey Elder                193     179     372     10
48. Benny Wilhem                177     194     371      8
49. Bryan Tevepaugh             194     177     371      7
50. Dannal Adams                184     187     371      7
51. Curt Pressley               184     186     370      9
52. Brandon Keener              191     179     370      7
53. Brandon Cooper              191     179     370      6
54. J.T. Campbell               184     186     370      6
55. Michael Clontz              188     182     370      4
56. Eric Harris                 191     178     369      5
57. Chad McCoury                182     185     367     10
58. John Willis                 186     181     367      6
59. Andy Sipes                  185     181     366      9
60. Aaron Burke                 194     172     366      6
61. Johny Fox                   177     189     366      5
62. Lee Hoots                   195     170     365      7
63. Craig Deel                  173     191     364      7
64. David Payne                 192     172     364      5

65. Mitch Adams                 180     184     364      4
66. Jake Troutman               188     176     364      3
67. Jerry McKinney              181     182     363      6
68. Dennis Eckard               191     171     362      4
69. Randy Matheson              185     177     362      3
70. Terry Smith                 184     177     361     10
71. Steve Greeson               183     178     361      6
72. James Workman               188     172     360      5
73. Ronnie Sheets               184     176     360      4
74. Chuck Dodson                177     182     359      9
75. David Lofton                177     182     359      6
76. David Bennett               185     174     359      4
77. Matt Adams                  187     170     357      7
78. Billy G Hossier             179     178     357      6
79. David Hinceman              190     165     355      5
80. Mike Figgins                179     176     355      5
81. Steve Simpson               165     190     355      5
82. Shawn Heater                184     170     354      8
83. Chad E Joyce                177     177     354      7
84. Brian Frieze                191     163     354      6
85. Ned Drulard                 189     165     354      6
86. Johnny Mitchell             182     172     354      3
87. David A Lewis               183     170     353      6
88. Ben Auton                   180     172     352      5
89. Kevin Smith                 173     178     351      9
90. Allen Davis                 179     172     351      7
91. Jeremy D Bentley            176     175     351      1
92. Hubert Golds                189     161     350      7
93. Jimmie Fox                  178     171     349      7
94. Mike Roman                  197     152     349      6
95. Laird Townsend              152     196     348      6
96. Monte Jessee                187     161     348      5
97. Britt Brookshire            170     178     348      5
98. Josh Teem                   187     160     347      2
99. Levi Watson                 169     177     346      7
100. Jason Davis                182     161     343      7
101. Cory Yates                 198     144     342      8
102. Joe Swift                  185     157     342      5
103. Mike Hemric                165     177     342      4
104. Nathan Barker              162     179     341      2
105. Mark Plott                 181     159     340      4
106. Randy White                176     159     335      5
107. Joe Rogers                 167     168     335      4
108. Joshua Readling            174     160     334      5
109. James Grider               172     162     334      3
110. Joey Pollard               170     162     332      6
111. Matt Woodard               168     163     331      5
112. Donnie Edwards             168     163     331      5
113. James Woolley              163     168     331      4
114. Matthew Tevepaugh          162     169     331      3
115. Ray Hansen                 166     164     330      5
116. Robert McGinnis            156     174     330      3
117. Randy A Kite               172     157     329      4
118. Jason Carpender            168     161     329      2
119. Bryan Cregger              153     175     328      4
120. Rodney Roberts             172     154     326      6
121. Johnny Butler              153     174     326      3
122. Chad Williams              185     140     325      5
123. Dan Hutchens               139     183     322      5
124. Chris Wiley                162     160     322      2
125. Bobby Ray Clayton          136     184     320      6
126. David Leyland              171     149     320      2
127. Keith Bowman               164     155     319      2
128. Todd Perkins               164     155     319      0

129. Brian Crump                167     150     317      6
130. John Adams                 158     159     317      4
131. Richie Kuhn                161     154     315      4
132. Terry Lineberry            170     144     314      1
133. Erik Matheson              154     159     313      4
134. Eric Shoe                  158     154     312      5
135. Larry Auton                168     142     310      3
136. Ritchie Elkins             161     149     310      3
137. Jeff Hammer                157     151     308      2
138. Todd Mitchell              160     147     307      2
139. Bryan Turney               174     132     306      3
140. Eugene R Slagle III        155     151     306      0
141. Charles White              137     167     304      4
142. Alan W Caldwell            159     144     303      5
143. Adam Henry                 149     154     303      1
144. Alston Harris              176     126     302      5
145. Jason Bunt                 145     155     300      3
146. Bobby L Green              156     143     299      3
147. Steven Houser              161     136     297      4
148. Anthony Moser              132     164     296      5
149. Bob Agnew                  149     144     293      3
150. David Morrison             140     150     290      5
151. Rex Walker                 142     148     290      2
152. Gage Webb                  131     159     290      2
153. Ricky Darnell              139     151     290      0
154. Robert Sparnell            145     144     289      3
155. Steve Poore                132     156     288      5
156. Richard Jamerson           144     143     287      3
157. Francis Greene             154     131     285      4
158. Reid Cooper                141     144     285      3
159. Michael Payne              140     140     280      2
160. Keith Shoe                 147     131     278      1
161. Chris Greeson              140     137     277      3
162. Robert Potter              144     131     275      2
163. Mike Keller                138     128     266      1
164. Darrin Furr                144     121     265      2
165. Allen Clonch               144     120     264      2
166. Kenneth Culpepper          133     123     256      2
167. Sammy Liner                144     107     251      1
168. Russ Owens                 109      98     207      0
169. Joseph Greer               107      85     192      1
170. Rickey Pinnix              INC     178     178      2
171. Ron Honeycutt              177     INC     177      4
172. Chris Kalivoda             169     INC     169      1
173. Tommy Rash                 163     INC     163      1
174. Jordan Holcomb             INC     155     155      2
175. Erik Mowery                INC     155     155      2
176. Buddy York                 154     INC     154      2
177. Jonathan R Miller          INC     153     153      2
178. Joseph N Kindly            148     INC     148      2
179. Jeff Langston              141     INC     141      0
180. Mark Nunley                 69     INC      69      0
181. Heath Ogle                 INC     INC     INC     INC
182. Phillip Ogle               INC     INC     INC     INC
183. Jason Haelwood             INC     INC     INC     INC
184. Jeffrey Greene             INC     INC     INC     INC
185. Brian Ramsty               INC     INC     INC     INC
186. Neil Craft                 INC     INC     INC     INC
187. Nathan McDonald            INC     INC     INC     INC
188. Nick McDonald              INC     INC     INC     INC
189. Gralyn Campbell            INC     INC     INC     INC
190. Roger Vanhoy               INC     INC     INC     INC
191. Jason Cole                 INC     INC     INC     INC

Total Shooters:                                 191
Shooters Scored:                                187
Average Scores:                 164     158     322      6
Overall High:                   212     220     418     17
Overall Low:                      0       0       0      0

LADIES MONEY                  Score B Score C Total   12's
1. Kelly Ward                   214     207     421     16
2. Amie Whittington             204     212     416     13
3. Diane Moris                  208     184     392     10
4. Patty Johnson                197     187     384     10
5. Dana Martin                  196     186     382      6
6. Tiffany Dubree               188     192     380     10
7. Michelle Hoots               182     194     376      9
8. Vicky Hodges                 191     182     373      6
9. Penny Icenhour               176     192     368      5
10. Brittney Johnson            183     176     359      9
11. Laura Chumley               174     165     339      4
12. Tonya Wilson                171     165     336      3
13. Christina Mahaffey          162     125     287      2
14. Brenda Shoe                 141     132     273      5
15. April Hutchens              138     133     271      3
16. Eddie Tevepaugh             145      97     242      1
17. Charlene Shoe                78      56     134      0
18. Lynn Miller                 130       0     130      0

Total Shooters:                                  18
Shooters Scored:                                 18
Average Scores:                 171     155     326      6
Overall High:                   214     212     421     16
Overall Low:                     78      56     130      1

PEE WEE                            Range 1 Range 2 Total   12's
1. Dylan Hodges                 224     212     436     22
2. Hunter Hartness              210     214     424     14
3. Cody Sigmon                  212     206     418     15
4. Mannon Pauley                189     189     378      5
5. Peyton Segraves              193     184     377      7
6. Malea Hoots                  179     183     362      7
7. Nathan Creekmore             148     184     332      9
8. Luke Rupard                  165     163     328      5
9. Jesse Tevepaugh              155     170     325      9
10. Roy Scott                   171     154     325      0
11. Evan Hoots                  171     137     308      4

12. Abby Webster                122     141     263      2
13. Dlyan Liner                 133     125     258      1
14. Georgi Anne Nease           107     139     246      2
15. Kelsey Sharpe               129     107     236      2
16. Payton Fenner               104     129     233      2
17. Justin Thompson             112     107     219      2
18. Morgan Hooks                104     115     219      0
19. Adam King                   129      89     218      2
20. Matthew Hooks                94     102     196      0
21. Hardin Walker               102      84     186      0
22. Garrett Lineberger           63     111     174      0

23. Charles Walker               89      83     172      1
24. Lindsay Sigmon               70      96     166      0
25. Casey Carpenter             154       0     154      0
26. Drake Hodges                 76      68     144      1
27. Dustin Adams                  0     109     109      2
28. Sierra Lineberger            55      49     104      0
29. Bailey Helms                 78       0      78      0
30. Zachary Miller               78       0      78      0
31. Tlyer Helms                  25       0      25      0
32. Christopher Bradley           0       0       0      0
33. Adam Culpepper                0       0       0      0

Total Shooters:                                  33
Shooters Scored:                                 33
Average Scores:                 124     118     242      4
Overall Low:                     25      49      25      0

RECURVE                            Score E Score F Total   12's
1. John Dill                    194     193     387      9
2. Bobby Parks                  183     202     385     10
3. Dill Heck                    179     186     365      3
4. Kevin Price                  179     183     362      5
5. Joe Sherer                   164     188     352      6
6. Brian Bishop                 181     168     349      6
7. Ira Sanders                  175     173     348      9
8. Jeff Harrison                174     174     348      5
9. Stan Peeples                 166     179     345     13
10. Ethen Profitt               173     163     336      4
11. Linda Thomas                160     174     334      6
12. Kevin Dancy                 160     169     329      5
13. David Bradshaw              178     151     329      3
14. Melvin Shumake              166     155     321      2
15. John Price                  162     154     316      4
16. Richard Boger               159     155     314      4
17. Lanny Caudle                149     160     309      4
18. Michael Rice                154     151     305      1
19. Doug Carlisle               160     137     297      0
20. Jeffrey V Lingerfelt        154     133     287      0

21. Bubby Stewart               125     157     282      0
22. James H Smith               129     152     281      1
23. Daniel R McCarson           138     143     281      0
24. Dale S Edenfield            134     143     277      2
25. Kevin Smith                 146     121     267      3
26. Jason Woolwine              132     129     261      0
27. Clifton Shumake             110     138     248      3
28. Michael Mullinax            123     123     246      2
29. Jason Davis                 131     100     231      2
30. Mike Woolwine               111     115     226      0
31. Marty Roberts               108     104     212      1
32. Bryan Hooks                  98     114     212      1
33. Brandon Davis               108     104     212      0
34. Brittney Johnson             81     127     208      3
35. Rex Dixon                    93     107     200      1
36. David Sigmon                 76     114     190      1
37. Mary Ann Moore               97      86     183      2
38. Josh Bradshaw                82      98     180      0
39. Ryan Bowen                   69     109     179      1
40. Hillary Kaylor               83      64     147      0
41. Kenneth Harrison             97       0      97      0

Total Shooters:                                  41
Shooters Scored:                                 41
Average Scores:                 138     139     277      3
Overall High:                   194     202     387     13
Overall Low:                     69       0      98      0

TRADITIONAL                    Score B Score C Total   12's
1. Page Eldridge                194     173     367      5
2. Van Bateman                  158     180     338      4
3. Randy Felty                  165     156     321      5
4. Ronald Houchins              158     152     310      4
5. Barry Crotts                 155     155     310      0
6. Shane Kaylor                 150     154     304      4
7. Don Moore                    143     153     296      0
8. Claywell Icard               130     161     291      1
9. Michael E Montgomery         124     157     281      2
10. Dwight Goodwin              152     127     279      3
11. Guy M Bishop                148     130     278      2
12. Jerry Voncannon             123     137     260      1
13. John Drum                   131     111     242      0
14. Bob Heck                    116     121     237      0
15. Ned Eldridge                108     97      205      1
16. Ricky O Wilson               73     127     200      3
17. Aurthor Collins               0       0       0      0
18. Darin Matherly                0       0       0      0

Total Shooters:                                  18
Shooters Scored:                                 17
Average Scores:                 131     135     266      2
Overall High:                   194     180     367      5
Overall Low:                      0       0       0      0

Union Grove had 786 different shooters with several
shooters participating in multiple classes.
Original posting was Mon, June 26 @ 9:00pm
Seniors, Open, and Open Trophy classes were
revised and updated Tue, June 27.
Hunter Class results posted Wed, June 28 @ 6:50pm

Special Thanks to Rexanna Harris for all the
hard work she did, to get us these results.

Your #1 Source for Local Tournament Information

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